Wednesday, March 19, 2008

No quilt yet

First we had to paint some sunshine,
so we could have pretty flowers and butterflies, while we have a wonderful picnic,
then we can work inside,
and after the girls went home, we found notes all over the house,
(plese Don't thro this tisho Box a way)
because tissue boxes make the best Barbie doll beds.
Maybe we'll quilt tomorrow?
I hope the sun shines on all your picnics!


QuiltedSimple said...

love the pics - looks you are keeping busy painting sunshine. Enjoy it - your picnic looks like fun!!


Norma said...

Who needs a quilt when you can have all that other fun! Your house looks like mine when the kids are here..........they run the show!

You are a great granny.

Finn said...

What an absolutely greatest Granny you are *VBS* And a lucky one to have those little beauties to picnic with *VBS*
Love the painting...very creative and the 9 patches are looking great. What a sweet the spelling...she inheired it from you no doubt *VBG*
Keep up the great granny work! Hugs, Finnn