These habits need a stronger will than mine to be conquered. I need therapy and rehab. But it's not my fault...Blame the pusher!
That's right, you know who you are,,,finn!!!! (finn has a wonderful tutorial on her blog, she is so patient with us)
....What have we here??
ok, I might be able to put the strips down for just a moment ot two, but then I'm back to the guilty pleasure of ragging a rug.
Actually, this is not that far off, I am really loving this process!! I have loved rag rugs forever, and now I am addicted!
thank you, again, Finn, for the wonderful lessons!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, mine will be a little "ragged"
Ps: Carolyn at has an awesome give away, go "dream" on her blog!
It's so pretty - I want to start one, but I'm waiting until fall - if I start it now, NOTHING will get done - hehe
Can't be nearly as bad as me reading blogs at work! Now that is horrible. But I do like the rag rug and my have to try that sometime. And the ice cream, well that ALWAYS takes precedence in my house!
Hey Granny, I plead the 5th *VBS*
Your new beginnings look wonderful...*VBS* And hurray for you for getting it going and in your own direction. Now, of course, I can send folks to YOU for oval directions....LOL
You're doing a great job, and yes, it is addictive, but makes great pick up and take along work...not much thought is needed once you have the prep work done. I'm so proud of all of you gals *VBS* Big hugs, Finn
Yeah, Lyn, need oval instructions! Soon please as I am almost finished with the round one, just need to decide how big it is going to be when I say, "finished!'
How many stitches did you put in the center and do you still do two stitches per loop?
Finn is in big trouble causing addictions like this to her friends! I am thinking hot pads and mug rugs and bowls and more rugs and..............
Such pretty colours you chose for this! I've never tried crocheting with fabric but the effect is lovely.
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