Last year, my grandson, Jacob, was diagnosed with Leukemia. He has had very large doses of chemo, and since he is a male, he will have to have the treatments for over three years. I'm not sure why I haven't blogged about it before, it was so raw that I was not settled in my own mind enough to talk about it. He is three years old, and the most charming little boy you ever saw.
He quickly got to the point where he did not want to go to the clinic for all the procedures, and he would cry, the poor baby...then, one of the nurses had a birthday, and Jakey and his parents brought a treat to share with all the staff at the clinic...he didn't put up a fuss...he was glad to go and to share his now they take a treat every time, and that precious little child is glad to go have a spinal tap, just so he can give. What a wonderful insight to his personality!
We were just reeling from that news, when my darling daughter passed away in her sleep. The autopsy is not back yet, but I know the cause of death, the Lord needed an angel.

My heart is so full, I'm not sure how to share all my feelings, I miss my little African Star, she was my baby, and always will be. My girlfriend left a comment on the last post telling you all what happened, I just don't have the gumption to write it all.
So, please say prayers for us, Mr. Wonderful did not only lose a daughter, he lost his best friend.
Hope all your heartaches are healing,